Permission To Miss Him???

Thursday, January 5, 2012

 Today I am totally overwhelmed by super gushy girl emotions. The kind that creep up and you find it impossible to even chew your food without thinking about him. Him???? Him you say? My husband. I miss him today.. a lot. In the past I have endured ten times longer separations due to deployments, work ups etc. Still, even now for a regular work trip, not fighting in a war, my heart misses him. Forgive me for being unprofessional, a big ole' sap or just plain whiney. I have many friends who are without their husbands due to war and even death. For those friends I can barely bring myself to type these words. For your ultimate sacrifices my heart breaks and remains prayerful for yours.

The Lord has given me a boy I fell in love with at fourteen. We have been through much. So much. He is the coolest dad a kid could ever have. He loves me much more than I could ever ask. He is my biggest fan. At every turn I miss him. For all of us missing someone today. I feel ya. Today  I will be grateful that we will see him again. Thankful for love. Thanks for letting me share.

old dog tags and an eternity necklace he gave me for our 9 yr anniversary 

my daughters drawing of mom and dad on our bathroom mirror

he hasn't had the opportunity to use his mr.

his side of the bed cuddles my super pro laptop and phone

above my son's bed are some of his work plaques 

every time i turn the heater on 

love it when he is here to take out the trash

his fave

dad's stuff always buried in with the kids

yes that is a punching bag in my living room

love when he can carry these down stairs for me

untouched for months

my son uses dad's soap

he always reminds me that God knows

my fave: i ALWAYS ask them to stand in a spot
for a potential "client" shot. he doesn't even role his eyes anymore



4 Responses to “Permission To Miss Him???”

  1. You sexy native texan. i love the way you see the world. you tell such a wonderful story with such little words. I MISS YOU TOO BABE! THERES NO GREATER LOVE THAN THE ONE YOU GIVE TO ME!

  2. another reason i love him.. we share a google account, and he posts a comment as me :) wow too funny. i can't delete it though, it was the first comment he has ever left.
    tessa (actual) ; )

  3. I like your pics! I always miss my man the most when I pick up his things or wash a load of clothes. I even miss him looking at our kids, the oldest looks just like his dad. I mostly miss him because of the long hour he works, I know and take comfort in the fact that he wanted to work hard for his family. I wish that the amount of time was shorter.
