Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Okay... get ready for some love! These are our friends Amanda and Andy. It is always a such an amazing feat to capture "tough guys" at their most vulnerable state...with their better half :) And by tough guys most of you know what I mean; Certified TOUGH not making fun of tough right? Amanda and Andy are as just about opposite as you can get. I totally understand opposites attract because my hubby and I are the same. Night and Day. Never the less I think these matches are some of the most amazing couples bringing so much to a relationship to bless each other and those around them. Amanda and Andy have a beautiful love story. She is one of the most mature, genuine, fun and kind hearted women I know. Andy is one of those guys you think you know until you spend time with him and he busts out the most amazing gourmet meals in all of history, adores his Amanda and loves his friends and family deeply! He is the guy you want next to your hubby in a war. The kind of man who would gladly lay down his life for his friends. It was such a joy to shoot these two. They bring everything good out in each other. So without me babbling any longer here is the sweet couple.

love his intense face here

this is one of my favs. her crystal blue eyes and his smile.. perfection


love the heart shape on his shirt from the ocean




this one takes my breath away. i forget i was there taking the pics




3 Responses to “SSSS STEAMY”

  1. Super fun couple! So beautiful! Amazing job, Tess.

  2. thanks bestie. remember those sliders. wow great night at your house

  3. Wow! Gorgeous people, gorgeous photography!
